Follow the wild Goose
Discipleship is a calling. Have you heard the call to leave all else behind and come after Him? Yeshua is asking you today...will you follow me?
Do you know who you are and what you were created for? Do you feel like there is meaning to your life…true significance and a reason you are alive at this time in history? Have you ever thought about what a life completely devoted to the Lord could look like? Are you willing to be a part of something greater than yourself? Life as a disciple of Yeshua is a great adventure into the unknown! Will you take a leap of faith and go on a journey of discovery with the GTS?

Come away for a season of discipleship in a fun-loving community, learning rhythms of prayer, worship, rest, work, mission and the celebration of biblical feasts.

Follow us as we follow hard after Him! Life in God is a great adventure full of twists and turns. Come travel the road less traveled…the narrow way that leads to abundant life.

Radical Obedience
You are invited to love on Yeshua with us! To love Him is to obey His instructions. We are committed to hearing his voice together and radically obeying whatever He says.

About us
We are a community of committed friends that are deeply in love with Yeshua! In 2010 we set out on a journey to discover what it would look like if we gave the best part of our day to the Lord. For two years we gathered daily from 8-10 in the morning to worship, pray, and seek the Lord together. It was beautiful and God met us morning by morning. That season marked us and those hours of consecration are the bedrock for what we are living and experiencing today.

What's next?
If you are ready to go on this adventure with us or just want to hear more about the GTS, click on the chat button at the bottom right of the page, send us a message, and someone will contact you right away with more info.